Can I Change My Medicare Advantage Plan?

When Can I Change My Medicare Advantage Plan? If we lived in a perfect world, you would be more than satisfied with your new Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare Advantage plans may be a perfect coverage option for some individuals. However, situations occur, and maybe you realize that your family doctor doesn’t accept your plan, or [...]

By |2025-02-07T07:43:22-06:00February 6th, 2025|General, Medicare, Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D|

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period

  Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (For Individuals Currently Enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan) January 1st through March 31st The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (OEP) gives you the opportunity to enroll in another Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plan or go back to Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B). Normally, [...]

By |2025-01-10T13:22:02-06:00January 9th, 2025|General, Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Part A, Part B, Part C|

Your Cost for Medicare

Medicare Premiums Medicare Part A Covers inpatient hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, hospice, inpatient rehabilitation, and some home health care services. Thankfully, most Medicare beneficiaries do not have a Part A premium since they have 40 or more quarters of employment. Forty Quarters is the equivalent to ten years. For a stay in a skilled nursing [...]

By |2024-12-07T00:51:46-06:00November 14th, 2024|General, Medicare, Part A, Part B|

Medicare Supplement Plans

    Medicare Supplement Plans A Medicare Supplement insurance plan, also known as Medigap, is an insurance you can buy that helps pay for the out-of-pocket costs Original Medicare doesn’t cover.  There are ten different supplemental plans to choose for coverage.  Plans are referred to by letters.  The three most purchased plans are   Plan [...]

By |2024-12-18T21:28:28-06:00November 11th, 2024|General, Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Part A, Part B, Plan G, Uncategorized|

Annual Notice of Change

Annual Notice of Change Letter During the month of September, you should receive a Medicare Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) Letter. What is the Purpose of this Letter? The purpose of the ANOC letter(s) is to describe any changes for the upcoming year.  You should except to receive a letter if you have a Prescription [...]

By |2024-09-20T07:54:31-05:00September 12th, 2024|General, Medicare, Part A, Part B|

Working at age 65? 

    Working at age 65?  Do you keep employer coverage or enroll in Medicare? The month you turn 65 you are eligible to receive your Medicare benefits. In most cases, you don’t have to sign up for Medicare if you have health insurance through your or your spouse’s employer. If you or your spouse [...]

By |2024-05-24T08:21:19-05:00May 24th, 2024|General, Medicare, Part A, Part B|

Medicare and Cancer Coverage

Medicare and Cancer Coverage Unfortunately, Cancer is something many of us will face directly or indirectly at some point during our lifetime.  According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1.9 million new Cancer cases were diagnosed in the United States in 2023. Does Medicare cover Cancer? Yes, it does.  Depending on your choice for coverage [...]

Home Health Services Covered By Medicare

Original Medicare and Home Health Care Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and/or Part B) will cover eligible home health services if you are considered homebound and need part-time or intermittent services. To Qualify and be Considered Homebound: You are having trouble leaving your home without some type of help due to an illness or injury. Examples [...]

By |2024-01-15T13:20:16-06:00January 15th, 2024|General, Home Health Care, Medicare, Outpatient, Part A, Part B, Services|

Medicare Commercials!

Medicare Commercials! When you turn your television on to watch your favorite show or catch the news, you more than likely have viewed commercials featuring Joe Namath and J.J. Walker.   These two celebrities can be seen daily advertising products that revolve around Medicare.   Both Namath and Walker are encouraging you to call a toll-free number [...]

By |2023-08-11T12:34:05-05:00March 15th, 2023|Part A, Part B, Uncategorized|
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