Annual Notice of Change Letter

Each year Medicare premiums and deductibles change.  During the month of September, you should receive a Medicare Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) Letter.

 What is the Purpose of this Letter?

The purpose of the ANOC letter(s) is to describe any changes for the upcoming year.  The insurance company providing your Medicare coverage will send you a letter.  You will either receive a letter from your drug plan (Part D) or your Medicare Advantage plan. The letter will discuss changes in benefits, costs, and possible changes to your service area.

Will I receive a letter from my Medicare Supplement policy?

You SHOULD NOT expect to receive an Annual Notice of Change letter for Medicare Supplement plans.  The reason you will not receive a letter is because Medicare supplemental plans do not change benefits.

What Should I  Look for in the Letter?

This letter will discuss changes in benefits, monthly premiums, and formulary changes. Medicare Advantage plan enrollees will also want to look at possible changes to your service area.

You need to make sure there are no changes involving medications that you take. Changes could include: your current plan dropping a covered medication, changing the tier level of a medication, or the monthly premium changing.

Preparing You For AEP

Receiving this letter, allows you the opportunity to review and note any  changes before the annual enrollment period begins. This period is always October 15 through December 7 each year.

If you do notice a big change in your current coverage or you are just unsure, give us a call.  Our goal is it make sure you get the best coverage at your lowest total out of pocket cost.

Don’t Forget!

Receive a letter asking you to call about your Medicare benefits?  You will NEVER receive a letter from Medicare and/or Social Security asking you to call  concerning your benefits. Most likely it is a private company trying to sell you something.  You want to careful of unsolicited mail or phone calls you receive about your Medicare benefits.

We are always a call away if you have any questions concerning mail or phone calls  you receive about your Medicare. Give us a call at our Belmont office – 662.454.9800 or our Tupelo office – 662.269.8833.