How to Sign Up for Medicare Part B
What is the process of enrolling in Medicare Part B?
What is the process of enrolling in Medicare Part B?
Cataract Surgery and Medicare Does Medicare pay for cataract surgery? The short answer is yes. Medicare covers certain medically necessary services, such as cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologists are eye doctors with advanced medical and surgical training. Your cost and coverage will depend on the option you selected as your primary. [...]
Medicare and Cancer Coverage Unfortunately, Cancer is something many of us will face directly or indirectly at some point during our lifetime. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1.9 million new Cancer cases were diagnosed in the United States in 2023. Does Medicare cover Cancer? Yes, it does. Depending on your choice for coverage [...]
Original Medicare and Home Health Care Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and/or Part B) will cover eligible home health services if you are considered homebound and need part-time or intermittent services. To Qualify and be Considered Homebound: You are having trouble leaving your home without some type of help due to an illness or injury. Examples [...]
Medicare in Tupelo, MS Medicare plans available to those eligible in Tupelo include Medigap, Medicare Advantage, and Part D prescription drug plans. Enrollment into any of the following plans requires eligibility for Medicare. Depending on your needs, the most comprehensive coverage offered is through a Medigap plan, also referred to as a Medicare Supplement plan. You first become eligible [...]
2020 Medicare Costs - A brief overview of Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B premiums and costs
Do I Need to Enroll in Social Security to Receive Medicare Coverage? Can you receive Medicare benefits without Social Security? You sure can! Medicare and Social Security are connected in several ways, but they are not one in the same. You may think that in order to begin Medicare you must start your Social Security [...]
Working at Age 65 and Medicare You are generally eligible for Medicare at age 65, with an enrollment window leading up to your 65th birthday. This enrollment opportunity begins three months prior to your birthday month and ends three months afterwards. Signing up for Medicare on time can help you avoid penalties. If you are [...]
Shingles Vaccine Does Medicare Cover the Shingles Vaccine? Beginning January 2023, Part D plans must include most commercially available vaccines on their formularies. This includes the vaccine for shingles. The only exceptions are flu, pneumonia, hepatitis B, and COVID-19 vaccinations. These vaccines are covered by Medicare Part B. All Medicare-covered vaccines should be free to you. [...]
Medicare Premiums: IRMAA 2023 The Medicare Part B premium will be $164.90 for 2023. That is a slight decrease from the 2022 monthly premium of $170.10. The Part B deductible will also see a decrease. The deductible will drop from $233 to $226. Most Medicare beneficiaries will pay a monthly premium of $164.90 for [...]