Medicare in Tupelo, Mississippi

Medicare in Tupelo, MS  Medicare plans available to those eligible in Tupelo include Medigap, Medicare Advantage, and Part D prescription drug plans. Enrollment into any of the following plans requires eligibility for Medicare. Depending on your needs, the most comprehensive coverage offered is through a Medigap plan, also referred to as a Medicare Supplement plan.   You first become eligible [...]

By |2023-05-04T08:36:43-05:00April 30th, 2023|Drug Plan, Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Part D, Uncategorized|

Shingles Vaccination and Medicare

Shingles Vaccine Does Medicare Cover the Shingles Vaccine? Beginning January 2023, Part D plans must include most commercially available vaccines on their formularies. This includes the vaccine for shingles. The only exceptions are flu, pneumonia, hepatitis B, and COVID-19 vaccinations. These vaccines are covered by Medicare Part B.  All Medicare-covered vaccines should be free to you. [...]

By |2023-01-02T21:19:37-06:00January 2nd, 2023|Drug Plan, General, Medicare, Part D, Prescription, Research, Uncategorized|
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